06 & 07 Novembre 2024
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The SATIS AWARDS have become a major industry event dedicated to showcasing new products and services.


The seventh SATIS Awards, organized by Génération Numérique to coincide with the SATIS 2023 trade show, recognized technological innovation and excellence in the audiovisualsector in ten categories, and are awarded by a jury of twelve audiovisuel experts…

©Photo Emmanuel Nguyen Ngoc
©Photos Emmanuel Nguyen Ngoc

The innovations (products and services) will be submitted to a selection by a jury of experts to determine the winners of the competition.


The jury understands innovation to mean:

In 2024, the trophies will expanded with a new Jury and new categories in partnership with EcoProd, The Green Awards.
  • Production et Filming (Cameras, Accessoires, Optics, Sound Image, Energy, Recorder, Light, Vehicule, Satellite)
  • Postproduction (Editing, Finishing, Dressing, Special Effects, Storage, Server, Restoration)
  • Distribution & Screening (Server, MAM, Workflow, Encoding, Measurement, Converter, Screen, Projector, Broadcast Server…)
  • Service (Training, Consulting, Engineering, Technical Service)
  • AV Communication (Screen, Projector, Automation…)
  • Intégration (Broadcast or audiovisual)
  • Ecological initiative Award
  • Future and R&D (an innovation concept under development, research project)
  • Innovation & Creation Award (Virtual TV studio, Real Time 3D Engine, Augmented Reality Broadcast, VFX, Immersive Sound…)
  • Jury Favorites
Lauréats du SATIS 2023 ©Photos Emmanuel Nguyen Ngoc